Meet the Veeps

This one’s for you baby!

I can’t think of a more deserving person than you! Congratulations on the promotion!! You know what is most remarkable about you? You really redefine inititative! Look at where you started off from and look at where you are!! I’ve never come across a second individual who decides what his/her role in the organisation is going to be..everyone just sticks to a given script and cribs when they realise that that’s not what they want to be doing…not you! You just start doing your own thing and stun the people around you making them wonder why they didnt think of it in the first place!

More power to you’s hoping all your wonderful dreams come true..I’m by your side…Love ya

What I’ve been upto


Studying (or rather trying to)


err..did I say working?

Having headaches

Trying to grab 10 minutes with my parents / grandma

Watching cricket (Oh I went and watched a match live)

And that means no time to blog…its going to be like this for another month at least. Got a couple of must write posts and a tag to complete…Life is pretty much a big working mess…and oh there’s a Hong Kong trip coming up before my exam as well…so I really need to make some ground with regard to my studying else I’m going to lose loads of money..Even making rotis every morning seems like a drag on my time…so sadly the blog has been neglected…I am simply not able to cope with the demands on my time…think I need 48 hour days 😦 ….or I just need to curl up and go to sleep for like ever.

Ken Lee

Go see this…please do…My stomach aches still from laughing. Go NOW!!

And read this on Wiki…isnt there a limit to what reaches wiki??!!!


What I would mostly like to do now is:

– Chuck the laptop and the five assignments that are looming

– Tear up those nasty CFA material looking crisp and untouched on my side table

– Throw away worries of ratings, bonuses, promotions into the air

– Ditch all my cares and worries

– Get rid of that mild incessant headache

…and float away somewhere far away…a little village somewhere…a mountain top…an island far far breathe in the fresh air and not feel closeted with the whole world closing in..I want to dream and not worry about deadlines and things to do…I want to tear up that “To Do” a book, sip a cold drink (Is it the heat I wonder?), listen to some soft music..My eyes hurt from staring at a screen or a book continuously (eye check up due?). Or is it the head? I think mostly that a break is due.

Crazy little thing called life…and love

I nearly died when I was a six month old baby.

I was supposed to move to Zambia as a five year old, visas were done, the packing had begun..then my dad fell ill and came back to India because of lack of medical facilites which caused my parents to rethink our plans.

We moved from Madras to small town in Tamil Nadu, to settle down there forever, came back to Madras because of a whole host of circumstances

I never really made up my mind about whether I should choose to opt for the Science stream or Commerce in Class 11. Was to join a new school and opted for the Science stream because its much easier to move from Science to Commerce if I wanted to. Thought I screwed up my Physics board exam and that decided it, applied for the change and got it. When the results came out and there were long lines of students begging to be admitted into the Science stream the principal asked if I wanted to move back to Science..on a whim I decided not to.

The top most thing on my mind during college careerwise was to get an MBA from on of the top B schools. Out coaching faculty picked me out as one of the bright chances and I was given extra coaching much to the annoyance of my friends, but I don’t think I screwed up any exam as much as I screwed up CAT

As part of my CA back up plan I’d wanted desperately to join Arthur Anderson for my internship..only that would come anywhere close to not getting through an MBA..the unthinkable happened and the firm went bust.

Mired in a whole bunch of problems at home, I settled for the next best alternative and began plodding at my CA…asking the forces why everything was going wrong for me.

Had I died, well that would have been the end.

Had I moved to Zambia maybe life would have turned out a whole lot more different and better, all the nasty things that happened may not have.

Had I chosen to do Science like all my friends, I’d have completed my engineering and started a job by the time I had just about started my CA..

Had I gotten through CAT, well my life would have been made and I wouldn’t have suffered such a blow to my already fragile ego.

And hey what were the odds that a huge huge giant like Anderson would tank? Just like that? Well I had set my heart on it hadn’t I?

And then in that absolutely unlikely place that I had landed up in considering the turns my life could have taken I met you. Making the whole journey more than worth it.